Palm Beach Officiant
Baby Blessings
A Modern way to Mark a Spiritual Event
Throughout history, religions have offered people a place to reflect, connect to a spiritual source, and celebrate the special and sacred moments of our lives! But for many of us today, those religious institutions may not feel like the authentic fit for your family.
It is my joy to create and offer a new way to honor the sacred space to hold life's major milestones. If a traditional church baptism or dedication doesn't feel like the right fit for your family, but you want to have a symbolic ceremony where you can pledge your love as parents, and establish a spiritual identity for this new life, a Baby Blessing may be the perfect fit for you!
Having a Baby Blessing, Baptism, Dedication, or Welcoming Ceremony is a wonderful and modern way to mark this spiritual milestone, and open the spiritual conversation for this new life. The ceremony is created to reflect your beliefs and any traditions, spiritual or unique, can be incorporated!
Here are three Ceremonies we offer:
Baby Blessing {A joyous, modern, and spiritual ceremony to give thanks and welcome the child into the family, with an open heart, mind, and soul. This ceremony is non-religious and leaves a child open to consciously choose any religious or spiritual path that they want later in life.}
Baby Dedication {A symbolic Christian ceremony, soon after the birth of a child, to be a public statement by the parents that they will train their children in the Christian faith and seek to instill that faith in them.}
Baby Baptism {A spiritual act, experience, or ordeal by which a small amount of water is placed on a child's head resembling the ritual of purification and new life. The child is then considered purified and connected to God.}
Each ceremony is a scared event, and can be religious or non-religious, in a restaurant, at a beautiful park, the beach, or in the comfort of your own home. This package includes an in-person or telephone consultation, unlimited email access to create the ceremony to your liking, and a keepsake copy of the ceremony on the day of!
Baby Ceremonies: